Ann Clow

Sign up for painting classes in April and May 2024.

wood pile bw

Dakota bw

FN Woman Baby bw

Angel bw

Angel Statue Yar bw

Barn Thru window bw

Beautiful Wood bw

Buoy bw

Buds 2 bw

Cape Forchu Storm bw

Cat Person bw

Chains bw

Church Lady bw

Church Window Old bw

barn bw

skull bw

barn window bw

old truck bw

Ram bw

harbor bw

South Dakota bw

couple bw

cross driftwood bw

Dog sitting bw

Drift wood shell bw

drift wood standing bw

Exploding flower bw

family shot bw

Fence and bulb bw

Flowers buds bw

Flowers bud bw

Flowers balls bw

Flower on fence bw

Folded trees bw

general store pei bw

Grape vines bw

quiet street bw

little girl bw

iron wheels bw

Kitty cat bw

Large ball bw

Lanterns bw

lilly bw

Mushrooms bw

Old bike barn PEI bw

Old bike PEI bw

Old building 1 bw

Old building window bw

Old car garage bw

Old church 2 bw

Old Fina garage bw

general store calgary bw

Old mill PEI bw

old pump bw

Old truck bw

old wagon dakota bw

On beach driftwood bw

On the ship bw

old house bw

dog bw

pei lighthouse bw

dolls bw

plant bw

PEI bridge bw

people and beach bw

prairie sod home bw

Propeller bw

Rock with face bw

Roots 1 bw

Sand stone seaweed bw

seagrass sand bw

south dakota haycart

south dakota diner bw

Squirrel bw

Statue mother baby bw

Tractor PEI bw

Tractor bw

tree and sky bw

Trees bw

Fountain in Yar bw

Vines bw

Vines flowers bw

Water PEI wheel bw

Window and vines bw

Okanagan house bw

sacred dress bw

mascot mine bw

okanagan Valley Bc bw

old tractor BC bw

Parson bc bw

pei farms and cows bw

prayer sticks bw

south dakota barn bw

Upton bw

Wheel star bw

wolfville park bw

long wharf bw

Amish of Ohio bw

Remembrance bw

Star of Winter bw

rocks and ice bw

Preparing a Meal bw

#344 Point Prime Digby bw

#20 Snow Bike bw

#23 Outhouse bw

#32 Jail House Rock bw

#54 Old Classic bw

#71 Smile of FN Elder bw

#72 Yar Mtn Cemetery bw

#73 Big Bike ( jim) bw

#74 Trolly In Yar bw

#75 Classic Ford bw

#76 Kitchen Duties , Le Villiage bw

#77 Fallen Door bw

#81 Sad Eyes bw

#82 Spirals Of Clay bw

#84 Needles To Leaves bw

#128 Nostalgia bw

#187 Theme of Acadians bw

#201 End of the Journey bw

#213 Dilapidated House bw

#225 It’s The Real Thing bw

#188 Torn Curtain bw

#273 The Protector, Acadian reenactment bw

#303 Truck at Texaco bw